Friday, November 10, 2006

Stress, Distress and De-stress

The result of intemperance (lack of balance) in life is stress and distress. The tight relationship between the body and the mind means that any upset to the mind affects the body negatively. Likewise, any stress on the body affects the mind negatively.

Not all stress is bad. Distress is bad. Some stressors are positive provided we learn to manage them (e.g. the unease of preparing for a test or examination inspires a serious individual to prepare and pass the stress of examination).

Invest in this de-stress programme: Conquering stress.

Some of us respond to stress by developing unhealthy habits. Do you smoke? Kick the smoking habit; Quit Smoking Right Now

Aches and Pains

Part of the regimen for being in good health is eliminating or managing physical pain. Invest in the following products as well, if they cause you pain. Just click on the underlined link of your choice:
  1. Chronic back pain? No more Back Pain!
  2. If acne, and not aching, is your problem, be Acne-free in 3 Days.

Weight Control

Keeping one’s weight in control is paramount to maintaining good health. Try the following list for outstanding products in managing your weight. Just click on the underlined link and invest in your health and well-being:
  1. Burn the Fat, or …
  2. Purchase the Negative Calorie Diet, or …
  3. The Cellulite Solution, or …
  4. Have a Sun Slim Diet

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

An apple a day keeps the doctor away...

Well, so does constructive exercise, moderation in all things, sufficient sunlight, fresh air, clean water to drink, abstaining from harmful substances (like refined foods and narcotics), adequate rest and a healthy trust in God.

Do you need quality existence on earth, with minimal wear and tear? Then you have come to the right blog.